Friday, March 12, 2010


I just felt the overpowering need to say this, so here you go...


For all your support with this blog - the traffic reports alone make me smile every morning. The comments, feedback, votes on the poll, the emails asking for videos and setlists and info, just warms my heart and I am THRILLED you are all enjoying it so much. I love doing this, but it is a lot of work, so it's priceless to have the backing of such loyal readers. We aspiring writers, as I've said a million times before, thrive on the feedback and interaction from our readers. They are the best gifts you can give us.

For those following me on Twitter, the number has skyrocketed since I hosted the California play-by-plays, and I'm just flattered! You make me smile every day with the kind messages and mentions - and I've "met" some wonderful new people on there, as well as my friends I know in person.

I've even gotten comments on my YouTube Channel from total strangers, telling me they love reading my blog and thanking me for the information, pictures (and YT videos). It's amazing!

Zazzle customers - a HUGE thank you goes to you especially, because you are giving both of your support AND money. I've been inundated with compliments on my designs, emails requesting new ones, and messages on Twitter telling me you've ordered something. Thanks to you, the mere 10% profit I make has already added up to $30+!! In only a few days, that's incredibly inspiring -- maybe I'll get to Giants after all! :)

My cup runneth over! It truly does. If there is ANYTHING else you'd like to see on here, please let me know! (Oh and I'm working on a new contest, so stay tuned...:))

I could never do this without all of you, so thank you, thank you, thank you.


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