Tuesday, December 16, 2008

NOW it's HO HO HO time!

Aaaaaand my exams are OVER! I am in the best mood EVER, having finished all five final exams and doing pretty darn well on all of them. I am now officially a junior in college. :)

More importantly, I can FINALLY focus on Christmas time and all the festivities - I've got parties to go to, movies to curl up and watch, presents to wrap, our tree to decorate, the annual How the Grinch Stole Christmas Broadway play to see down in San Diego...I'm one happy Little Miss Elf.

And only 10 days until I get to see Mister Elf again!

Oh, it's good to be free.

Hope everyone's having a happy holiday season as well!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ho Ho Ho! Or not.

It's that time of year...again. How do 365 days go by SO FAST when they seem to drag on a 24-hour basis?

I wish I were enjoying putting up lights and wrapping gifts and drinking hot cocoa, watching the snow fall and curling up for a good holiday movie.

But unfortunately in San Diego we don't get cold, we get Santa Anas (hot, DRY winds of death from the east that give new meaning to Santas in surf shorts.) And in college, you don't get the luxury of relaxing and movie-watching. You get to bully your brain into studying, writing final papers and generally stressing out to the point of nervous breakdown while everyone else bounces around in the Christmas spirit. I'm playing rebel here - turning up my nose at the beckoning call of review sheets on my bed, purposely making time to deck out my website and pretending I don't have anything else to do.

It won't last long.

What sucks even more is that this is hands down my FAVORITE time of year. I work with children at an elementary school, too, so you'd think I'd have even more of an "in" with the childhood innocence of the season, making crafts and eating cookies and decorating trees like a kid again.

But I'm stuck in the mental quicksand muck of impending exams, papers, assignments; drowning in piles of reviews and notes and trying to ignore the other overwhelming concern of financial bankruptcy.


It's so much fun being an adult.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


If you want to chat,go to:http://bj-fans.blogspot.com.
Down below at this page
Enjoy it

Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm back!

Apologies for the hiatus. I've been off enjoying a romantic two-year anniversary with the BF and busy making plans for a last-minute trip to EUROPE after Christmas. :) I will be going back to a snuggly, cozy little home in Veldhoven at the end of this month to spend 2-3 weeks with one of my favorite families ever. So there's a lot to look forward to with the holidays and that!

I hope to get the next chapter of Lie To Me up soon...but bear with me as I catch up. Finals at school are also approaching (insert loud groan here) so I need to implement major time management.

Thanks for the patience! ;)


P.S. Nickelback's Dark Horse album is freaking awesome. The end.