Monday, March 15, 2010


Okay, my lovely, devoted readers -- I have devised the newest contest for you all! I hope you'll enjoy this one as much as the last; I was very pleased with the response last time.

This is mainly to help me derive what YOU, the readers, want to see more of on this blog, but I'm offering up a little "reward" to encourage you to speak out. ;) I would love to expand this blog further, but I can only expand it proportionately with the reader base size.

Therefore, there are two ways you can win this contest:

1. Tell me: what do YOU want to see on this blog? More news? More pictures/videos? More personal/opinion pieces? Whatever you want, throw it my way. I want to get an idea of what the readers are interested in. If you think the blog is perfect right now, then tell me what you like about it best. The more detailed feedback, the BETTER, folks! Leave your suggestions as a comment on this post.

2. ZAZZLE! [Oh come on, you had to know I was going to incorporate that too - after all, I'm using the profit I make to help me get to Giants. :)] For every $10 you spend at my Zazzle shop before March 31 (11:59PM/PST), you will be entered TWICE into the drawing. (Because this requires actual monetary contribution, I feel that double entries is fair compensation! Oh, and those of you who have already ordered from my shop are already entered, too. :))

**You get ONE entry for completing Option #1, and/or TWO entries per $10 spent in Option #2. You can do both options, or just one, you'll still get an entry!**

*BONUS ENTRIES*: Help me spread the word. Yes, I am shamelessly asking for recruitments - but not out against their will. I obviously don't want a false readership or inflated follower numbers - it's not about that. But I do want to let Jovi fans know about this place so that I can build a reader base AND get even more insight on how to improve this blog.

SO - as extra incentive, every TWO people you get to follow this blog (they must become followers through the 'Followers' feature on the left-hand side!) will earn you one extra entry into the drawing. I kindly ask that you don't just ask random people to follow for the purpose of getting you entries - I really would prefer genuinely interested fans.

Make sure the person you recruit leaves a comment on this post with YOUR name, so you get the credit!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The contest will end Wednesday, March 31 (11:59PM/PST), and I will draw the winner at random, to be announced Sunday, April 11 (when I get back from Vegas!)

The winner will receive a Jovi "grab bag" consisting of:

[1] *ITEM OF THEIR CHOICE* from my Zazzle shop (you pick the design, or give me a design of your own, and I'll make it!)
[1] Bon Jovi heart & dagger sticker decal (measures 4" x 6"; can be applied to any flat surface)
[1] "The Circle"-themed keychain
[1] set of The Circle tour photographs (4x6 glossy prints)

More than anything, I just want to thank you all for your unending support -- and this, I feel, is a good way to promote my blog and shop, encourage feedback so I can better cater it all to you (the reason I'm here!), and offer you a little something for your trouble.

Thanks so much -- and GOOD LUCK!

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