Many of you know that I am a fierce advocate of finding a cure for diabetes. I am very passionate about the whole cause: funding and furthering research, supporting the endeavors of prominent organizations such as the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), both of which have made considerable contributions and advancements in the fight to cure diabetes, and even running my own grassroots community program NJBG Support (Not Just By Giving).
My boyfriend of three years was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he was 8 years old; his sister was diagnosed 3 years later at the same age - with no family history of it! Both of them are lucky: they have their diabetes under control for the most part, and experience few complications. Very few people living with diabetes can say that, especially those diagnosed with type 1 - the deadliest and most dangerous of the three types of diabetes.
Contrary to popular belief, diabetes is not caused. You don't get it from being overweight, eating unhealthily, or consuming massive amounts of sugar. Diabetes is an auto-immune disease in which the pancreas, whether by design or after aging, fails to produce either enough or any insulin to break down glucose/sugar in the body. There are eating/lifestyle habits that can contribute to or accelerate this failure, in which case type 2 diabetes can develop. But type 1 is a genetic auto-immune disorder that starts in childhood - giving it the nickname "juvenile diabetes". You can read more about the science of diabetes here.
Without going into the nitty-gritty of the extensive research I have done on the disease, I will simply leave it at the fact that diabetes is deadly. It complicates the lives of those living with it, and is currently incurable...which means almost imminent death from it. However, I truly believe (as do the ADA and JDRF) that there IS a cure to be discovered. I believe that together, we can pool our resources, our efforts, and our hearts to help stop this disease...and save millions of lives.
I dedicate a considerable amount of my spare time to campaigning for the cause and promoting education, awareness, and research. Every year, I walk for the ADA's Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes - a 3-mile journey in 200 major cities across America where volunteers raise money and walk to show their support for the ADA's endeavors, and of course, for diabetics. Last year our team raised $900!
This year's walk is October 17, and I have started my fundraising campaign. If you would care to sponsor me on this walk (and thus donate to the ADA's research foundation), you can make a secure online donation at http://main.diabetes.org/goto/beckymahan. Any amount, large or small, is deeply appreciated. On the average, sponsors donate $10. And every donation is tax-deductible!
You can also donate a more creative (and personally-beneficial) way: I have arranged for 25% of the sales profited from my online Jovi merchandise shop to be donated to the ADA (remember that design contest last month?). All designs are my own creations - so you get to donate to a worthy cause, AND you get a really awesome Jovi shirt...or mug or mousepad or totebag.... :)
Finally, I want to thank you all in advance for your thoughts and donations, and thanks for taking the time to read about a cause deeply important to me.
Together, we can find a cure!
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