MERCY that look can melt and kill at the same time. Death by cardiac arrest. Overload of sexy.
Not making your skin tingle? Mmk. How 'bout this? I don't know about you, but I am a 'back' girl. Muscles, ridges, planes...dear God, I swoon to lust in a heartbeat when a man has a solid, strong back.

Okay, okay, fine, I know not EVERY woman feels the way I do. What about that chest? I KNOW of several of you out there who prefer the fur. ;)

Yeah. I thought you'd like that.

Okay, okay, fine, I know not EVERY woman feels the way I do. What about that chest? I KNOW of several of you out there who prefer the fur. ;)
Yeah. I thought you'd like that.
Have a great Sunday. ;)
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