FINALLY I got these sorted out. The lighting was TERRIBLE at this show, so even being 3rd row I got some crappy, washed out pics...and a LOT of blurry, useless ones. It was rather frustrating. :(
But I did get a handful of good ones, so I'm sharing them with you. Even some of these are blurry or washed out, but I like them because they're of Jon in front of me, David smiling at me (which got totally shaken up...can you blame me?!), and Jon making a SILLY face (he looks like an evil should be able to tell which one I mean. LOL!)
Anyway - enjoy! Feel free to save them for personal use, but kindly do not use them for other purposes without my permission. Thanks. :)
*These start with some pics I took around downtown Vancouver, which is a beautiful city. There are only about 7 of them before the concert pics. If you want to view the pics one by one, click on the link that says "view all".
Bon Jovi is an American rock band from Sayreville, New Jersey. Formed in 1983, Bon Jovi consists of lead singer and namesake Jon Bon Jovi, pianist and keyboard player David Bryan, and drummer Tico Torres.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Vancouver videos (Night #2)
I found them on YouTube and have been living in video la-la land since then. LOL.
My friend who was in the pit with me got some great videos - if she cares to share, I will let you all know.
For now - enjoy!
You can see me in this video! White Bon Jovi trucker hat, white tank, having a blast to Jon's left. LOL!
I just LOVE the insert/cover during Bad Medicine - especially Hot Legs! It's a fun crowd-pleaser! And yes Jon, it's SO unfair that you have a million girls running after you in a rock and roll band, LOL. And that little tantrum he throws as he stomps around "I need a respirator, cuz I'm running out of breath..." LMAO. Love this!
FAVORITE!! Such a FUN song - I LOVE IT!
This was such a beautiful performance. *sigh* When he jumps down on the ledge below the stage, he was just to my left...then when he holds out his hand during "Mama I've got to try", he was right in front of us and smiled at my friend and me. YEEE!
I knew this would crop up sooner or later - glad it's sooner! This makes my stomach clench with butterflies, remembering the night. WHAT a performance!!
I found them on YouTube and have been living in video la-la land since then. LOL.
My friend who was in the pit with me got some great videos - if she cares to share, I will let you all know.
For now - enjoy!
You can see me in this video! White Bon Jovi trucker hat, white tank, having a blast to Jon's left. LOL!
I just LOVE the insert/cover during Bad Medicine - especially Hot Legs! It's a fun crowd-pleaser! And yes Jon, it's SO unfair that you have a million girls running after you in a rock and roll band, LOL. And that little tantrum he throws as he stomps around "I need a respirator, cuz I'm running out of breath..." LMAO. Love this!
FAVORITE!! Such a FUN song - I LOVE IT!
This was such a beautiful performance. *sigh* When he jumps down on the ledge below the stage, he was just to my left...then when he holds out his hand during "Mama I've got to try", he was right in front of us and smiled at my friend and me. YEEE!
I knew this would crop up sooner or later - glad it's sooner! This makes my stomach clench with butterflies, remembering the night. WHAT a performance!!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Vancouver, BC - Night #2 - Review (warning: it's LONG!)

Why? Because last. night. ROCKED.
After anticipating this show (my final stop on the tour) for weeks, my expectations were big and my nerves were bigger. I flew into Vancouver Friday evening, but didn't go to the first night's show -- which was fine. I got settled into my room, unpacked, showered, ate some dinner, and by the time I sat down to relax, the show had started. So I couldn't have gone anyway. I had ROW 3 for Saturday night's show, and I was more excited about it than anything!
Saturday seemed to drag by. I met my friend Nozomi from Tokyo (the one who sold me her extra pit ticket) and we both walked to meet Maryann from Norway, who was staying a few blocks down from us. We were a lively trio, I can tell you - a Japanese, Norwegian, and American, strolling the streets of Canada (and spitting INSANELY hot coffee on its sidewalks...oops). We chatted and laughed and explored a bit, then FINALLY headed back to our hotels to get ready to go out.
We walked over to the arena to pick up our tickets, where there was no line and the girl at the desk asked me (overly curiously, by the way) why I was a fan, because I looked so young. I don't know if anyone has ever asked me WHY I'm a fan before...and it's not an easy question to answer! And "Well, because they're awesome" doesn't quite cut it. I told her it's been a long journey - one that started with a single song, a music video, and grew into a lifelong devotion and emotional investment. She just kept smiling and staring at me like I was the most interesting piece of artwork at a museum, and after repeatedly confirming that "it's not just about Jon?" she finally seemed satisfied and we left.
We then met Deb and some other friends for pre-show drinks at their hotel, but it was still too early to go to the arena for the show. We ducked into a flooded McDonald's for a little dinner (I still don't know what the leak was from, and I'm not sure if I want to know...) and then figured we might at well head over and start our merchandise shopping before the crowds get too bad. It was about 6:15pm.
Merchandise was quick and easy, until my credit card was declined for no apparent reason. (Later at the bar, when it was declined again, I realized Chase must be blocking it from international charges. Which is really quite good of them, but at the same time annoying, since now I have to get cash Then we finally, finally, descended the steps into the dim arena to make our way to the PIT. (Third row. Have I mentioned that?)
We arrived at the VERY back of the arena, and I had quite some pleasure in descending a zillion stairs and continuing along down the floor aisles, past rows and rows of chairs and fans, approaching the catwalk, happily presenting my ticket to about five different security guards, and being ESCORTED into the pit, to my seat on Richie's side....
Where I promptly stared at the stage in front of me, squealed, stared again, bounced up and down, stared again, then sat down in my seat shaking like a leaf in the wind.
Um, that seat was insane. I felt like I could touch the stage, and the coveted Bon Jovi logo-printed front row seats were merely 3 feet in front of me. The white mic stand was RIGHT THERE. I was just in shock. I bounced up and down with Nozomi and fanned my face and laughed and tried not to cry...and the security guards got a kick out of it. One in particular caught my eye and said he got it all the time, and that his mother was there tonight acting the same way. LOL! The people around us were nice, and I was just settling into my new "home" for the next few hours, when I noticed a guy talking to the security about where his seat was, and pointing at us. I got up to ask what was going on, which prompted a ten-minute wild game of musical chairs, the poor guy balancing two giant cups of beer and being sent from one side of the pit to the other, us trotting in his wake.
We met a couple of people in the pit around us, including tealejovi from Seattle, and saw Deb again (who was in front of us, a few seats down), and she said she had just seen a makeshift stage set up in the back - which meant Jon was starting the show there. Then I had my regular pre-show freakout about having to pee (I REFUSE to leave a show in the middle), so we ran to the bathroom and back (again, no line...what was the deal?! lol) The arena was packed, and the anticipation was palpable, so I knew it must be close.
However, NOTHING could have prepared me for the moment the house lights went out. I. absolutely. FREAKED. The screens slowly descended, that adrenaline-inducing music starts playing, and I swear I could TOUCH that screen...holy crap! It came down right in front of us! Then the images of the band appeared, then the REAL band (sans Jon) appeared behind the stage (and I could see them now, from third row, when I could never see them before!) Everyone was screaming and cheering, camera flashes were going off, the prelude music was drawing to a climax, the arena was enveloped in a roar...and just when I thought my heart would burst from excitement, the screens rose; the band replaced the prelude music; Bobby, David, Tico, and Richie were right in front of me; and Jon was way in the back of the arena launching into Last Man Standing in a spotlight.
In hindsight, that's probably for the better. If he had appeared from beneath that stage and ascended right in front of me, I may very well have passed out. I was literally screaming and jumping so much that I was lightheaded. (Plus, it's HOT in the pit!) Bobby and David's proximity were enough to keep my heart thumping though, and Bobby wasted NO time in waving, blowing kisses to, and flirting with Nozomi. LOL it was so obvious I kept staring between the two of them like I was witnessing some sort of secret. I focused on David, who didn't see me at first, but was more than happy to flirt with some girls front and center.
I had whiplash from looking back between Jon at the back of the arena and the rest of the band in front of me. Tears stung my eyes and I was shaking so much that my lips trembled when I smiled. Last Man Standing ended so quickly it felt like a blur, and then Jon was running up alongside the stands on OUR side of the arena.
I hesitated for one second, thinking there was no way I could get to the catwalk and not be crushed by everyone else in the pit, then realized NOBODY WAS RUNNING. So Nozomi and I (who were at the end of our aisle anyway) raced to the circle and watched as Jon ran right past us. Obviously the ramp is too wide for him to have reached over and grabbed our hands, but he was so close I could see those baby blues.
Then he was on stage in front of us, so real and alive and full of energy, and I wanted to scream and laugh and cry all at the same time. The reality of third row sunk in then, with Jon Bon Jovi, rockstar extraordinaire, working the forefront of the stage barely 10 feet away.
I was so happy. My heart was soaring, my jaw literally ached from smiling so much. I was in my element again - my escape, my getaway, my best therapy, and everything outside the arena melted away. It was just the band and me again - a priceless, indescribable emotion that rejuvenates and revives me in ways non-Jovi fans will never understand.
I closed my eyes and thanked God for the blessing, the opportunity to be there, and when I opened them, Jon was standing in front of us. Like a dream. I pumped my fists in the air and cheered and sang along to You Give Love A Bad Name at the top of my lungs and threw my all into the experience.
Born To Be My Baby was next, after which Jon welcomed the people of Vancouver, BC, Canada and asked who had been there the night before. He joked with the security guards over on our side, saying something about them having front row this time since they had "crappy seats" last night. LOL. He singled out some people and made everyone cheer, then promised that he had "a dozen different songs laid out tonight" and that he'd keep us for three hours. (I knew that was a lie right off the bat - Jon, you said that in Vegas too, you nerd!)
We Weren't Born To Follow came next, and I began my internal battle of trying to balance enjoying the music and taking pictures. Being that close is BEYOND tantalizing - it's a downright tease when you love photography. I was switching modes on my camera dial so fast I probably would have dropped it if the strap weren't around my neck. Plus, my fingers were trembling so I kept fumbling around like an idiot. I was zooming, focusing, setting shutter speeds, aperture, and getting frustrated because the lighting SUCKED and I couldn't get a decent picture. So I'd put down the camera and throw myself back into the music...then Jon would stand still and I'd grab my camera again. LOL it was an endless cycle for the first few songs - then I finally got the right settings on my camera for the settings of the stage.
Lost Highway was fun, then Whole Lot of Leavin' (I screamed loud and proud during "I bet it's warm in California"), It's My Life, and Runaway were all standard, but high energy. I thought Jon sounded fantastic, and the rest of the band was unbelievably energetic and into their music -- but that also could have been a new perspective from the seat. :) You can't judge the energy of Dave or Tico very well if you're further away!
Then Raise Your Hands began...and I gave up the camera and threw up my hands. That's MY SONG, baby! And it's always SO much fun to hear live. I purposely looked around the arena to gauge the energy of the audience, and the sight of every single person in the stands, the floor, and the pit raising their hands gave me chills. I love it!
We Got It Going On is fun up close - Jon loves to shake his money maker and make the girls swoon, and when he did it over on our side I almost fell over. The only problem is he moves WAY too fast for me to get any pictures, so I deliberately focused my camera on Dave while Jon strutted and swayed along the back ramp. I THINK Dave actually saw me this time (he did later, too, but I can't remember if he saw me during this song as well) and kept smiling and nodding and singing. That was fun - I love to focus my attention on the other band members, especially Dave and Tico because they get so little in comparison to Jon and Richie. Plus, I could watch Dave play the keyboards all night long.
I love the little "uh, huh huh" and foot stomp/dance following WGIGO, and Jon was on top of his game as far as moving his hips and teasing us women. It's the little things like that that make the live gig so enjoyable and memorable.
I have heard Bad Medicine live too many times to count, but I don't complain when I'm up close! I honestly enjoy the jukebox insert, and the play between Jon, Bobby, Richie, and Hugh is just plain fun. I snapped about a billion pictures during this sequence, so I have a heavy editing job ahead of me. They "chose" Hot Legs as the cover insert, which is a great crowd pleaser and power amp -- everyone was swaying and singing and punching the air. (And now it's stuck in my head...and Jon, I'll scratch your back if you need it! *wink*)
And here's the best part about that song. JON SAT DOWN ON THE STAGE IN FRONT OF US. What? Holy hell, I kid you not. I had tried NOT to take pictures when he came around in front of us so I could take in those priceless moments (and he moved too fast, anyway!) so when he plopped right down in front of us (and I mean RIGHT FREAKING THERE), I probably looked like something of a cross between a deer in the headlights and a stupid, grinning schoolgirl. The man was pure sweat, soft blue denim, gleaming white smile, and twinkling blue eyes. Staring me straight in the eyes at least once, and smiling like he knew just how to melt my heart into goo. And I can't tell you WHAT in God's name he said to us, or if he was singing or not, because I was so stunned. All I know is he's amazing and I love him. LOL. Somehow, I managed to get pictures of him sitting there, but HOW, I'm not sure...since my hands were trembling like crazy. The picture at the top of this post is of him sitting there - note that he was looking at someone else right then. I could barely think when he looked at me, let alone take a picture.
Then it was time for Mr. Sambora's spotlight. My favorite part of the show. I had been asking for Stranger In This Town or Undiscovered Soul in the days and weeks before the show, but didn't really expect it. So when Lay Your Hands On Me began, I didn't even think about the fact that it was standard. In fact, I JUST realized, writing this, that he didn't sing one of his own songs. LOL. Shows how much I was enjoying the show - I didn't even notice. ;)
Now here's a little memorable experience. An annoying one, but memorable just the same. Since everyone in the pit rushes the catwalk when Richie takes center stage, I chose to stay there in my row. Nozomi went back immediately, since she's "trained" for that kind of security-dodging, crowd-darting action, having done it about 20 times on this tour already. LOL. She snagged dead center, right between where Jon and David would eventually be. I stayed to watch Richie, and because I hate crowd pushing and didn't care to fight for a spot to be eye-level with the band members' feet.
I'm glad I stayed, because Richie was AMAZING. He looked and sounded fantastic, and when he growled that "I know it isn't Sunday, but I'm taking ya to church anyway," my heart literally skipped a beat and my breath caught in my chest. That man is truly what my friend Trish calls "sex on legs". (Sorry for the shameless lust, but any warm-blooded female in the pit last night would HAVE to agree...) He commanded the solo and electrified the stage with his very presence - the Richie I KNOW and LOVE. And since very few of us remained at the front of the pit, I'm sure he saw me. He didn't wave or anything, but I wanted him to know that I at least wanted to see HIM.
Unfortunately, his performance was interrupted by a guy who sidled into my row, right up next to me, and leaned over to talk in my ear so closely I could smell his bad breath. "When I say run, you run." Excuse me?! "We were here last night - when I say run, you run." I realized he meant that he'd give a signal to rush to the back of the pit when Richie was finished and Jon would appear on stage. He had his arm around my shoulder and was WAY too close for personal comfort, so I just shook my head and pointed at Richie. "I want to watch him."
The guy mistook my motions for not hearing him, so he leaned over and repeated it again. "I'll let you know like this..." and he swatted my butt. I almost took him down right there, but he was about three times my size in height and weight, so I decided against it. I settled for another firm shake of my head and "NO. I WANT TO WATCH RICHIE SAMBORA. GO AWAY." the guy STILL didn't get it, and after a few minutes he repeated it again, telling me to go with his wife. I was SO annoyed, I kept trying to ignore him but he kept leaning over to yell in my ear and I wanted to smack him.
Besides, my camera bag was down under the seat in front of me and Nozomi's and my merchandise was nearby - I couldn't leave it. I've done that before...bad results. (Anyone remember my Los Angeles fiasco during the LH tour, when someone stole my purse?)
Unfortunately, the guy wouldn't take no for an answer, and as soon as Richie left the stage he corralled me (and the other women) down the aisle and ushered us toward the catwalk...where the security guard promptly held out his arms like a freakin human shield and we all crashed into him and each other. I was REALLY irritated by this point, since I didn't want to leave in the first place, that guy PISSED me off, and the security guards were rude. I broke free of the jumble and returned to my seat, swearing that if anyone else touched me, they'd drop dead instantly.
Security bugs me at many of these shows, and this is only my second time in the pit but both times were similar experiences with the circle segment. Some guards let you run past, some block you half-heartedly but let the pretty girls go by, and some literally escort you back to your seat. WHY?! Why not be on the same page with each other and just let us go back there? What's the harm? There's a front row on the other side of the ramp, so those people are just as likely to do something as we are. And what are going to do anyway, tie the band members' shoelaces together so they trip? We can't even reach their knees! Just let us take advantage of our pit experience if we want to.
And Mr. Bad Breath, leave me ALONE if I don't want to!
Anyway, Jon then appeared on the catwalk for Make A Memory, and I spent my time trying to get a picture when he turned sideways -- otherwise, I only had a lovely shot of his back and guitar strap. After Memory, he started into Living In Sin! It was a beautiful rendition, but I actually focused more on Richie because a) I could see his face and b) he had the most passionate expressions.
When it was time for the band to join Jon on the circle for the rest of the segment, I quickly ran to the circle to see David as he ran by. Again, I *think* he saw and smiled at me because I was one of about three people who actually looked at him while he went by, and I think he saw my shirt (spelling out the band members' names into an acronym for JOVI.)
They performed Mama's Got A Squeezebox and Someday I'll Be Saturday Night - another personal favorite, and I put aside the camera, closed my eyes, and let the song soak in. It's my anthem nowadays.
I was glad when the band returned to the main stage, and stared as David BOOKED it back to the keyboards the second they finished Saturday Night. He literally RAN! I thought I could feel the wind. Then the people who had gone to the back of the pit returned to their seats, and Nozomi excitedly shared her little moment with Richie - he waved at her! And she got a picture.
I am flat-out tired of Who Says You Can't Go Home, so I *almost* considered resting for a bit and having some water. But I never made it to the point of consideration. Jon's mood was so infectious up there that I couldn't HELP but throw my hands in the air and belt out every damn "It's alright" at the top of my lungs. What can I say - when it comes to my convictions, Bon Jovi knows how to make me a hypocrite. LOL
After Who Says, I was wondering what would come next...Jon had promised a "dozen different songs" and I hadn't seen too many yet. So when a couple of chords started, my mind drew a blank and I literally stared around wildly, unable to place the song. I knew I hadn't heard it in awhile, so I registered that it was a different song...but I was confused the first few seconds. I saw Deb look at me from the corner of my eye, so I mouthed "What is this?" She looked surprised and mouthed "Captain Crash!"
I felt like an idiot - of COURSE it was Captain Crash! I was just so in disbelief that my brain didn't register the chords. AWESOME! I grabbed Nozomi and we jumped and screamed and started straight in on the arm waving. I was grinning from ear to ear, so excited that I got a little teary-eyed. I KNOW David saw me/us then, because he was laughing and nodding and I smiled back at him and sang the words "with" him. People around us in the pit were waving their arms, but when I did my customary glance to the stands, not many others were (except one guy waaay up in the rafters behind the stage, who was WAY into it. LOL). I frankly didn't care though, because I ADORE that song live and this is only the second time I've ever heard it.
I waved my arms back and forth the ENTIRE time; I didn't stop for a second. I felt my shoulder burning by the time Fred and Ginger and Joltin' Joe and Miss Monroe came around, but then Jon instructed the rest of the arena to "wave Crash in"..."I need you all to help me wave my friend Crash in. The people in the pit know how to do it, but I need your help!" So then EVERYBODY was waving Crash in...and the stands and floor were a sea of waving arms. IT WAS SO COOL. I just LOOOVE that song and the energy it inspires - so rest, be gone! (And my shoulders are sore this morning, lol.)
Next came Work For the Working Man - during which Jon spent a lot of time on our side of the stage and I kept shrugging my shoulders and "asking him" with my expression who WAS going to work for the working man. He didn't get it.
Have A Nice Day and Keep the Faith were great performances - TONS of energy and climactic power. I loved it!
The encore came too soon. I was actually very sad when the lights went out and they went backstage, even though I knew they'd come back on. The show had gone by WAY too quickly and I was not finished with third row yet! I spent the few minutes deleting blurry pictures from my camera to clear up space in case, hopefully, we got some killer encore surprise.
Which we did.
Something To Believe In. When the music started and the band sang the "hey, hey, hey, hey's" my jaw dropped and I stared at Nozomi, who didn't recognize it like I hadn't recognized Captain Crash. "Something To Believe In?!" I squealed at her. HOLY HELL! I think she got the entire thing on video, but as she is en-route to Tokyo right now, I can't ask her. LOL. Hopefully she will share the videos she did get, because that performance was one-of-a-kind. Jon strained and gave it everything he got to hit those high notes, and aside from some interesting facial expressions, he did pretty well. He was coughing a LOT afterward though, so I hope he didn't do vocal damage.
They started Wanted, which is always a unifying experience and I grabbed the coveted Jon and Richie duo shots with their guitars...then I fully expected Prayer to begin the the end of the show to commence.
But they weren't done with surprises - These Days was next! With Jon on vocals! THAT was one of the highlights of my night (just one) -- I adore that song and was moved by the passion Jon and Richie gave it. I've only heard it live with Richie on vocals, last year in Anaheim and Los Angeles. He did a beautiful job of it himself, but I loved hearing the original version last night! And Jon donned a Canucks jersey someone from the front threw up to him, which I thought was awesome - and what a memory for those girls.
Prayer came and went too quickly, and I was disappointed when Jon didn't do the expected foot stomp. When he grabbed his calf later on toward the end of the song, I got worried that he was going to fall again and have to be helped offstage, but he didn't pay it any attention after that. They were all smiles and bows and hugs like normal, egged on by the intensity of the crowd and the high of a show DAMN well done.
I screamed and cheered my head off, looking around at the arena and soaking in those final precious seconds before my favorite band disappeared beneath the stage. I don't know when I'll see them again, and that thought is scary and sad at the same time. They have given me an INCREDIBLE and unforgettable eight shows on this tour, more than I ever could have dreamed of. My journey brought me from California to New Jersey to Canada, a route I never thought I could take with my crazy schedule, but luck and blessings prevailed. It reunited me with old friends and introduced me to new ones - including a new "tomodachi" from Tokyo! It's given me experiences, adventures, and a lifetime of memories.
I hope they get the rest they need this month, and finish off May-July strong and in good health. And then they need to rest. Live their lives and be with family and touch base with themselves again. They've given us amazing gifts since last February, but it's time to go to sleep after a very long day. As long as they wake up again and storm the stage once more with the same fire and passion they've kept up until now, I'm okay with letting them relax.
Because they've still got a fight left in them. They're not done with the world yet. And when they return, I'll be here waiting, anxious and giddy and filled with adrenaline for the next tour, more than ready to return to the hallowed atmosphere of a Bon Jovi concert.
And that's what keeps me going.
Vancouver, BC, Canada - Rogers Arena, 3/26/11
Last Man Standing
You Give Love a Bad Name
Born to Be My Baby
We Weren't Born to Follow
Lost Highway
Whole Lot of Leavin'
It's My Life
Raise Your Hands
We Got It Going On
Bad Medicine/Hot Legs
Lay Your Hands On Me (Richie Vox)
(You Want To) Make a Memory
Living in Sin/Chapel of Love
Mama's Got a Squeezebox
Someday I'll Be Saturday Night
Who Says You Can't Go Home
Captain Crash and the Beauty Queen From Mars
Work for the Working Man
Have a Nice Day
Keep the Faith
Something to Believe In
Wanted Dead or Alive
These Days
Living on a Prayer
See pictures here
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Vancouver, BC - Night #1 set list
Greetings from Vancouver! I'm in Canada for Night #2 (tomorrow), and it is a VERY strange feeling to be at the hotel down the street from the arena where they are playing now...and not be there. LOL
I'm waiting for my friend from Japan to get back with full details. I'm sitting this out one simply because I got a 3rd row pit ticket for tomorrow, and, well, I can't exactly afford two nights. LOL. Plus I originally didn't think I'd fly in today - it was going to be tomorrow morning. But here I am!
Here's the set list from tonight -- check back in for my personal reports, pictures, and other goodies from TOMORROW NIGHT'S performance! YAY!
Blood On Blood
You Give Love A Bad Name
Born To Be My Baby
We Weren't Born To Follow
Lost Highway
When We Were Beautiful
It's My Life
The More Things Change
We Got It Going On
Bad Medicine/Pretty Woman
Lay Your Hands On Me
Bed Of Roses
I'll Be There For You
Mystery Train (!!!)
Love For Sale
Who Says You Can't Go Home
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead/Start Me Up
Blaze Of Glory
Love's the Only Rule
Keep the Faith
Have A Nice Day
Wanted Dead Or Alive
Living On A Prayer
I'm waiting for my friend from Japan to get back with full details. I'm sitting this out one simply because I got a 3rd row pit ticket for tomorrow, and, well, I can't exactly afford two nights. LOL. Plus I originally didn't think I'd fly in today - it was going to be tomorrow morning. But here I am!
Here's the set list from tonight -- check back in for my personal reports, pictures, and other goodies from TOMORROW NIGHT'S performance! YAY!
Blood On Blood
You Give Love A Bad Name
Born To Be My Baby
We Weren't Born To Follow
Lost Highway
When We Were Beautiful
It's My Life
The More Things Change
We Got It Going On
Bad Medicine/Pretty Woman
Lay Your Hands On Me
Bed Of Roses
I'll Be There For You
Mystery Train (!!!)
Love For Sale
Who Says You Can't Go Home
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead/Start Me Up
Blaze Of Glory
Love's the Only Rule
Keep the Faith
Have A Nice Day
Wanted Dead Or Alive
Living On A Prayer
Thursday, March 24, 2011
It's Hard Letting You Go - HD video

It's Hard Letting You Go - live from the O2 Arena last summer.
Jon want to watch this. Up close. Full screen. You can see every freckle, every bead of sweat, every flicker of emotion cross his face...
Holy mother of Jovi.
I usually try to keep my gushing to a minimum on here, but this just can't be passed up.
(Thank you Kim, for the find!!)
Watch the video here.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
JBJ working on a solo album!

Jon Bon Jovi is a busy man! He is working on his first solo album in 13 years. JBJ told Billboard that after the trek wraps next summer, he'll take a break and in September, he might record "a smaller-sounding solo record."
Expect an acoustic-sounding, lyric driven release, with a piano and a coupla guitars. That's straight from the horse's mouth.
Bon Jovi rocked Energy Solutions Arena at pass night

Bon Jovi's tour manager Michael Savas. They have set up behind the scenes GTU. He said, “We build everything day of show from the ground up.”
With a cement floor rocker into the sky for the staff takes only six hours.
We reach the scene of 10 BYU students witness how all comes together once in a lifetime experience had not only been behind.
Savas said, “Get a hands on experience to see what the tour is like and all of those questions that people don't get we show them on a daily basis."
For the students this was quite the field trip. Kimberly Orton said, “It’s unbelievable how many different departments work to put this together.”
Brett Bird said, “Looking at the LCDS, front and back and the way they spin and move it’s fascinating and just seeing this crew work together. I just wanted to see the logistics and how they make something impossible so easy.”
Emily Taylor said, “No matter how much you learn in the classroom - seeing it first hand and experiencing it first hand, I learn 100 times more.”
The students are to live life for a day around staff members followed. Sort of there children was a heavy lift.
Set up for the concert is effective. 80-member team of the day everything works equipment to install all programs to create magic.
Savas said, “Everything you wish it could be, it is.”
Bon Jovi rocked Energy Solutions Arena at pass night

Bon Jovi's tour manager Michael Savas. They have set up behind the scenes GTU. He said, “We build everything day of show from the ground up.”
With a cement floor rocker into the sky for the staff takes only six hours.
We reach the scene of 10 BYU students witness how all comes together once in a lifetime experience had not only been behind.
Savas said, “Get a hands on experience to see what the tour is like and all of those questions that people don't get we show them on a daily basis."
For the students this was quite the field trip. Kimberly Orton said, “It’s unbelievable how many different departments work to put this together.”
Brett Bird said, “Looking at the LCDS, front and back and the way they spin and move it’s fascinating and just seeing this crew work together. I just wanted to see the logistics and how they make something impossible so easy.”
Emily Taylor said, “No matter how much you learn in the classroom - seeing it first hand and experiencing it first hand, I learn 100 times more.”
The students are to live life for a day around staff members followed. Sort of there children was a heavy lift.
Set up for the concert is effective. 80-member team of the day everything works equipment to install all programs to create magic.
Savas said, “Everything you wish it could be, it is.”
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Salt Lake City, UT - set list
Bon Jovi was in Utah tonight -- next stop, Vancouver, Canada! See you there! :)
Blood On Blood
You Give Love A Bad Name
Born To Be My Baby
We Weren't Born to Follow
Whole Lot of Leaving
It's My Life
The More Things Change
We Got It Goin On
Bad Medicine/Pretty Woman
Lay Your Hands On me (Richie)
What Do You Got
I'll Be There For You
Who Says You Can't Go Home
Sleep When I'm Dead
Blaze of Glory
Have A Nice Day
Keep the Faith
Wanted Dead or Alive
I Love This Town
Living On A Prayer
Blood On Blood
You Give Love A Bad Name
Born To Be My Baby
We Weren't Born to Follow
Whole Lot of Leaving
It's My Life
The More Things Change
We Got It Goin On
Bad Medicine/Pretty Woman
Lay Your Hands On me (Richie)
What Do You Got
I'll Be There For You
Who Says You Can't Go Home
Sleep When I'm Dead
Blaze of Glory
Have A Nice Day
Keep the Faith
Wanted Dead or Alive
I Love This Town
Living On A Prayer
My dream set list (Jon, are you reading?)

So with my final stop on this tour coming up Saturday night, (have I mentioned I'll be third row? Not sure if I've bugged you all enough yet) I'm thinking more and more about the set. And how close I'll be to the band. And how I'm going to die of happiness.
Anyway. Since Vancouver holds some special value - with the origins of Slippery When Wet and all that - and since Saturday night is going to be "A Night With Bon Jovi," with no opener, I say we should get a long, kickass show.
So I've written this little open letter to the band, in the crazy hope they'll actually see it. ;)
Dear Bon Jovi,
How are you? I hope you are doing well. Thank you for the great show in Vegas, and I hope you made it out of there safely, with the crazy weather.
I will be in the pit, third row, in Vancouver this Saturday night, and it will be my final show for this tour. It makes me sad that I won't see you for several years, but I have had a great journey seeing 8 shows since last February, and my dream of seeing you in New Jersey (New Meadowlands Stadium) came true. I have never been closer than 6th row, but this Saturday I have 3rd row pit and am just beside myself with excitement.
I have LOVED every single concert I have ever been to, and I'm not complaining about the set. You could sing the ABC's and I'd still watch, rapt with attention, and then cheer and shout enthusiastically. However, for my final show, and for your SWW birthplace, and for the Night With Bon Jovi, and just for the hell of it, I'd love if you could pull out all the stops. Give us another Mohegan Sun. Knock us off our feet.
Because I'm telling you, I KNOW for a fact that fans are coming in from worldwide to see you. I personally know people from Jersey, Norway, Japan, and Australia (and I'm from California) are coming to Saturday night specifically, and that's just who I've heard of in my own circle!
So, consider the following set list. Obviously, I am probably clear off my rocker with some of these suggestions, but I did say it's my DREAM set list. So maybe just get a few ideas. Okay?
Thanks very much for considering it, and I'll see you Saturday.
My Perfect, "Only In My Dreams," Night To Remember Set List:
Living On A Prayer
Radio Saved My Life Tonight
Blood On Blood
Captain Crash and the Beauty Queen From Mars
Have A Nice Day
Wild In the Streets
Lay Your Hands On Me
Everybody's Broken
Richie: Stranger In This Town OR Undiscovered Soul (I would pee my pants if he did US, as that song is SO dear to my heart)
One Wild Night
Right Side of Wrong
Something For the Pain
Someday I'll Be Saturday Night
Born To Be My Baby
What Do You Got?
Bad Medicine w/ SHOUT! (I actually love when you play that!)
I Got the Girl
Dirty Little Secret
Love For Sale
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
Wild Is the Wind
Love's the Only Rule
Keep the Faith
The Distance (for my boyfriend, whom I met through the fan club, and who lives in the Netherlands. This song pulls on my heartstrings when we're apart.)
In These Arms (also my boyfriend's and my song...I NEVER get tired of hearing this one live. Made me cry in Vegas.)
Satellite (off the box set. I know, fat chance in hell, but I've always wanted to hear it!)
Never Say Goodbye (perfect ending to my last show, methinks)
And I'd love if David could do Memphis Lives In Me and Tico could do Waltzing Matilda or Only In My Dreams somewhere in there too!
A girl can dream, right? :)
Tico to be honored for his efforts toward a "sustainable future"

Ever heard of Sustanatopia? If not then you should, because this unique event offers a seven-day venue that focuses on sustainability and impact investing as cooperative solutions. It takes place in Miami from March 31st- April 6th, attracting not only celebs but some of the leading figures in investment, social entrepreneurship and philanthropy.
Perhaps the highlight of the event is the Sustainatopia Honors, a star-studded awards ceremony held on Sunday, April 3rd at the Frank Gehry/New World Center on Miami Beach. With guests like actress Maria Bello, Patricia Arquette, and Bon Jovi drummer Tico Torres, all receiving awards for their efforts toward a sustainable future. There’s a VIP pre-party before the event too!
Plus Ecorazzi co-founder Rebecca Carter will be speaking at a Sustainatopia event on April 6th called, “Local Green.”
For tickets and more info on how you can get involved, click here! Any Miami folks planning to go?'
Justin met Jon!
Do you all remember Justin, the guy whose family campaigned to get him to meet Jon in Salt Lake City?
Well, he got his wish tonight. :)
I literally teared up reading this -- I have followed Justin's journey just like so many others for the last several weeks, and I can truly say I am SO happy for him. What an amazing experience and memories to last a lifetime! Congratulations, Justin!!
You can see more photos and details on Justin's Facebook page.
Well, he got his wish tonight. :)
I literally teared up reading this -- I have followed Justin's journey just like so many others for the last several weeks, and I can truly say I am SO happy for him. What an amazing experience and memories to last a lifetime! Congratulations, Justin!!
Idahoan's lifelong dream came true Tuesday: He met Jon Bon Jovi
- Idaho Statesman
Published: 03/22/11
Justin Mitton fulfilled his dream Tuesday night -- he met Jon Bon Jovi.
Justin Mitton, a Twin Falls man who was born with Down syndrome, has been a lifelong fan of Bon Jovi. Tonight he got the ultimate 40th birthday gift: a face-to-face meeting with his hero.
Mitton, whose nickname is "Bergie," met Jon Bon Jovi backstage before a concert in Salt Lake City Tuesday night. His family wore T-shirts with the logos "Living on Bergie's Prayer" and "Bon Jovi Live: Justin's Dream Come True."
In January, Mitton told The Idaho Statesman that he was pretty sure he had listened to Bon Jovi every day since he discovered the band as a teenager.
Mitton, who turned 40 in February, has worked at the Smith's grocery store in Twin Falls for 10 years, bagging groceries and helping customers.
His family began working on trying to get a backstage meeting with Bon Jovi in December, launching a Facebook page titled "Help Justin Meet Bon Jovi." Two days after a Statesman story about Mitton, Bon Jovi's brother, Matt Bongiovi contacted Mitton's sister, Sara Mitton Cox of Boise.
Mitton's family has posted photos of Justin meeting Bon Jovi on Facebook. The singer signed Justin's T-shirt.
You can see more photos and details on Justin's Facebook page.
Japan charity album
Stars including Justin Bieber, Rihanna and Nicki Minaj are offering up their songs for a compilation album to raise funds for Japan following the devastating earthquake and tsunami earlier this month.
Executives at Universal Music are releasing a digital record later this week, with the profits going towards the Japanese Red Cross relief appeal.
A spokesperson for the label says, "We are doing it only digitally because it is faster, and this will be a worldwide release. The plan is to have it available later this week."
Other artists rumored to be on the playlist include U2, Lady Gaga and Bon Jovi.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Viva Las Vegas - Bon Jovi style
I love Vegas. I really, really do. It's such a different city, and it offers EVERYTHING -- from the wild hot nights to shopping to naughtier back-room fun to luxurious relaxation. It has anything and everything you could want, whatever your style.
And my favorite way to do Vegas is Bon Jovi style. ;)
I've seen the band there three times now, since 2005:
2005: Hard Rock Hotel's Theater Under the Stars 10th Anniversary Bash (off-tour)
2009: Hard Rock Hotel's The Joint grand opening (off-tour)
2011: MGM Grand Garden Arena (Greatest Hits tour)
It's always such fun -- the atmosphere of Sin City coupled with your favorite band; the excitement and adrenaline never stop. And since Vegas is such a big tourism stop, fans from all over the world flock to see the band when they're there, so there's no shortage of the Jovi fever.
This weekend was no exception. My friend Trish (from Philly) and I rented a car in Los Angeles and drove the 350 miles across the desert to those bright, sparkly city lights (I told Trish that there will be miles upon miles of endless dark desert stretching out as far as you can see...and just when you think you're going to die of boredom, the lights appear in the distance. They're either a hallucination, or Vegas. Luckily, this time, it was Vegas.) Traffic was heavy because of March Madness and a big wrestling match in Vegas the same weekend as Jovi, so basically everyone and his mother was in town.
We had quite a blast on our own - I think we were at the bar until about 2am Saturday morning/Friday night and there was shameless flirting with a group of Irish guys near us. When I was so buzzed and exhausted I could barely see straight, that's when we trudged upstairs and caught a few hours of sleep (I slept like a rock - thank you, daquiris.)
The next day several of us - Trish, her friends Kim, Denise (whom I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and spending time with) and my friend Michelle (one of my Cali "sisters"!) all hiked from the Sahara Hotel to the Graceland Wedding Chapel (where JBJ got married)...which was SUPPOSED to be a mile away. According to friends, according to GPS, according to hearsay...but apparently they all lied. And I will forever be blamed for making four exhausted women hike "ten miles" (it was nowhere near that far, LOL) to the chapel. But we got souvenir wedding registrations from Jon's wedding, so suck it up! :p
That was fun, as I have never been there in all my visits to Vegas (Jovi-related or not.) But it took up most of the day before we had to return to our hotels, get ready, and head out for BON JOVI TIME! I always love those pre-show festivities: drinks, food, good friends, hugs, and a hell of a lot of laughter.
Six of us - Kim, Denise, Trish, Trish's friend Lyn from Canada (who roomed with us), Michelle, and I - had dinner at New York, New York (avoiding the MGM at all costs because of crowds!) and then headed over to the arena.
It was very strange for Michelle and me, who are only two members of the California Jovi Quad, to be separated from the other two - Sandra and Debbie - because the four of us ALWAYS do shows together. With the exception of my New Jersey shows last May, I don't think I've been to a single show without them. I loved spending time with Michelle, but sorely missed Sandra and Debbie -- and this was their last show, which made it more bittersweet. But time has a way of slipping away like sand in Vegas, and we only had time to hug and kiss the girls before we all had to follow our own itineraries for awhile.
I also didn't get to see my fellow San Diegan Julie, but I did see two other SD fans - Greg and Suzy, whom I haven't seen since the Lost Highway tour, and who always make my day with their kind compliments on my blog and photographs. (It was great to see you two again!) We met up briefly before the show, chatted about the set list to come, and then were separated again. Inside the arena, I had no time to see my friend Joanna from NJ, but we blew kisses across the floor. LOL. And after the show, I got to see my NorCal girls Liz and Serene, whom I haven't seen since the Vegas show in 2009. I really wish we all could have had more time to meet up for a huge dinner and drink party or something...but again, that's Vegas!
Anyway, I know you didn't want to read about my encounters with friends, so I'll get on with the show review. ;)
Michelle and I were in the back sections of the floor - the second farthest seat I've ever had at a Jovi show - and yet I had a ball. Sandra and Michelle bought me the ticket as an early birthday present (thank you again, girls!) and I truly was just happy to be there! And I kind of liked being out of good photo-taking range, so I was forced to put the camera down and focus on the music and the energy. I usually try to balance those two elements out anyway, but it was nice to have an excuse to just soak up the concert itself.

And my favorite way to do Vegas is Bon Jovi style. ;)
I've seen the band there three times now, since 2005:
2005: Hard Rock Hotel's Theater Under the Stars 10th Anniversary Bash (off-tour)
2009: Hard Rock Hotel's The Joint grand opening (off-tour)
2011: MGM Grand Garden Arena (Greatest Hits tour)
It's always such fun -- the atmosphere of Sin City coupled with your favorite band; the excitement and adrenaline never stop. And since Vegas is such a big tourism stop, fans from all over the world flock to see the band when they're there, so there's no shortage of the Jovi fever.
This weekend was no exception. My friend Trish (from Philly) and I rented a car in Los Angeles and drove the 350 miles across the desert to those bright, sparkly city lights (I told Trish that there will be miles upon miles of endless dark desert stretching out as far as you can see...and just when you think you're going to die of boredom, the lights appear in the distance. They're either a hallucination, or Vegas. Luckily, this time, it was Vegas.) Traffic was heavy because of March Madness and a big wrestling match in Vegas the same weekend as Jovi, so basically everyone and his mother was in town.
We had quite a blast on our own - I think we were at the bar until about 2am Saturday morning/Friday night and there was shameless flirting with a group of Irish guys near us. When I was so buzzed and exhausted I could barely see straight, that's when we trudged upstairs and caught a few hours of sleep (I slept like a rock - thank you, daquiris.)
The next day several of us - Trish, her friends Kim, Denise (whom I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and spending time with) and my friend Michelle (one of my Cali "sisters"!) all hiked from the Sahara Hotel to the Graceland Wedding Chapel (where JBJ got married)...which was SUPPOSED to be a mile away. According to friends, according to GPS, according to hearsay...but apparently they all lied. And I will forever be blamed for making four exhausted women hike "ten miles" (it was nowhere near that far, LOL) to the chapel. But we got souvenir wedding registrations from Jon's wedding, so suck it up! :p

Six of us - Kim, Denise, Trish, Trish's friend Lyn from Canada (who roomed with us), Michelle, and I - had dinner at New York, New York (avoiding the MGM at all costs because of crowds!) and then headed over to the arena.
It was very strange for Michelle and me, who are only two members of the California Jovi Quad, to be separated from the other two - Sandra and Debbie - because the four of us ALWAYS do shows together. With the exception of my New Jersey shows last May, I don't think I've been to a single show without them. I loved spending time with Michelle, but sorely missed Sandra and Debbie -- and this was their last show, which made it more bittersweet. But time has a way of slipping away like sand in Vegas, and we only had time to hug and kiss the girls before we all had to follow our own itineraries for awhile.
I also didn't get to see my fellow San Diegan Julie, but I did see two other SD fans - Greg and Suzy, whom I haven't seen since the Lost Highway tour, and who always make my day with their kind compliments on my blog and photographs. (It was great to see you two again!) We met up briefly before the show, chatted about the set list to come, and then were separated again. Inside the arena, I had no time to see my friend Joanna from NJ, but we blew kisses across the floor. LOL. And after the show, I got to see my NorCal girls Liz and Serene, whom I haven't seen since the Vegas show in 2009. I really wish we all could have had more time to meet up for a huge dinner and drink party or something...but again, that's Vegas!
Anyway, I know you didn't want to read about my encounters with friends, so I'll get on with the show review. ;)

It was clear from the beginning that the real fans were anywhere but the front sections and pit. Not entirely, of course, because I know several diehards who WERE lucky enough to be close, but they were the only passionate ones there. From our rear vantage point, the front just looked dead -- and I read on Twitter that someone hosted a live stream, and everyone kept commenting that the crowd sucked. Let me clarify: the crowd was actually AWESOME. Unfortunately, you all only saw the sections with the VIP and comped seats. If you had turned around, you would have seen what I saw: entire rows of people wiggling and swaying, throwing their hands in the air, dancing with each other, smiling, laughing, and keeping perfectly in time to every "It's alright," "Wanted!," "Yeah," or "Faith!" Jon threw out for us. I literally tore my eyes from the stage to watch the stands, and I couldn't help but GRIN at the response of the crowd. It was electrifying! So even in the equivalent of 26th row, I had fun because the crowd's energy kept me going.
The experience was not without pitfalls though - an extraordinarily drunk woman a couple of rows in front of me kept falling into people, throwing herself into the aisle and dancing, and one time fell clean over on her back. I wanted to help her, really I did, but she had been driving us so insane that I rather enjoyed watching her struggle like an overturned bug on the floor. Just a tiny bit.
I must have the short people's curse, because I ALWAYS manage to get the seat behind TWO tall men (it's always two, I don't know why) and I spent the entire 2 1/2 hours craning my neck and hopping up and down to catch even a glimpse of the stage. I can't even remember the last time I HAD to watch the screens to see what was going on.
And my favorite - Michelle is going to laugh out loud when she reads this - was the man three rows up, bottle of alcohol in one hand and a bag clutched in the other, scraggly long hair, and an unnecessarily large hat, who seemed to either be drunk, an attention whore, or both. He would NOT STOP DANCING in the aisle, throwing his arms (bottle and bag still in hands) into the air, and bugging the crap out of everyone around him. I don't know WHY security left him alone, but I was ready to murder him by mid-show. Every single solitary time either Michelle or I tried to get a picture (the precious few times Jon actually stands STILL), that man's hat, hair, or hand was in our frame. It was almost a joke -- he was constantly ruining our pictures or preventing us from getting any. I think the only time either of us got ANY photos was when he went to the bathroom! Hence, why I only took a little over 100 pictures total (mostly from rapid succession shooting, too, so that doesn't say much) and maybe 30 of them came out well. I gave up even trying halfway through, and Michelle and I took turns taking the aisle seat so we could see!
But those setbacks were minor when I take it all in stride, and I really did enjoy the show. The band was in high spirits, Jon was on FIRE (energy-wise and vocally!), and even though he promised that "Even if the casino gets mad at me, I'm not letting you out of here for three hours" and lied, the 2 1/2 hours provided a damn good show.
The set list was vanilla-ish. Not entirely predictable - they started with Prayer!! - but it didn't knock us off our feet, either. I'm not complaining, just telling it as it is. I thought we were in for a hell of a night when they opened with Prayer, but the rest was pretty standard.
On the circle, they performed IBTFY, Love For Sale, and Saturday Night - and on Love For Sale, Tico growled out the last line so well that Jon insisted, "Hey, do that again!" So he did. And everyone cheered. It was awesome!
The encore, however, was a pleasant surprise - with I Love This Town, and In These Arms...which I haven't heard live in a long time, and upon hearing the first chord I burst into tears. lol.
And Hot Legs during Bad Medicine was nice, but I would have looooved to hear Pretty Woman! It didn't matter though, because Jon was having waaay too much fun for me to complain. LOL. He was full of strut and swagger and dance, and as he sashayed for the audience, the attention whore soaked it all up and announced to the rest of the band that "they're responding to my advances - it makes my heart flutter." WELCOME TO MY WORLD, JON!
After the show we met Obie (I've met him before, briefly), but he didn't have any set lists left. :( He did take pictures with us, though, and I told him I'd see him in Vancouver -- to which he laughed and agreed it was a date.
All in all, the show was great. I had fun, I was in good company, and the band made me smile, sing, and cry, which I consider a success. LOL. And it was great to spend time with Trish, whom I hardly ever get to see. :)
This was a spread in the Las Vegas (Showbiz Weekly) magazine - I have the magazine from each Jovi show I've been to in Vegas; they always have a spread, and the mag is free in the hotel! ;)

Oh, and we saw "creepy Bobby" (lmao, Trish's words, sorry!) the next morning on the strip as we sat in horrendous traffic trying to get home (insane weather plus westbound traffic made it a brutal, nerve-fraying 8-hour drive home...yikes), but we never saw anyone else. Maybe someday I will.
But for now, I'm resting, trying to get through the week, and then I leave for Vancouver on Friday - bound for my final stop on this incredible tour, with a 3rd row pit seat and a heart full of excitement and nerves. I hope it's everything I want it to be!! x
Las Vegas set list - March 19, 2011
Living On A Prayer
You Give Love A Bad Name
Born To Be My Baby
We Weren't Born To Follow
Blaze of Glory
It's My Life
The More Things Change
We Got It Going On
Bad Medicine/Hot Legs
Lay Your Hands On Me (Richie vox)
(You Want To) Make a Memory
Bed of Roses
I'll Be There For You
Love For Sale
Someday I'll Be Saturday Night
Who Says You Can't Go Home
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead/Start Me Up
Blood on Blood
Have a Nice Day
Keep the Faith
Dry County
Wanted Dead or Alive
I Love This Town
In These Arms
P.S. These are for Karen. :) Believe it or not, HE was more photogenic than Jon that night! (And the second one just made me laugh out loud when I got it.)

The experience was not without pitfalls though - an extraordinarily drunk woman a couple of rows in front of me kept falling into people, throwing herself into the aisle and dancing, and one time fell clean over on her back. I wanted to help her, really I did, but she had been driving us so insane that I rather enjoyed watching her struggle like an overturned bug on the floor. Just a tiny bit.
I must have the short people's curse, because I ALWAYS manage to get the seat behind TWO tall men (it's always two, I don't know why) and I spent the entire 2 1/2 hours craning my neck and hopping up and down to catch even a glimpse of the stage. I can't even remember the last time I HAD to watch the screens to see what was going on.
But those setbacks were minor when I take it all in stride, and I really did enjoy the show. The band was in high spirits, Jon was on FIRE (energy-wise and vocally!), and even though he promised that "Even if the casino gets mad at me, I'm not letting you out of here for three hours" and lied, the 2 1/2 hours provided a damn good show.
The set list was vanilla-ish. Not entirely predictable - they started with Prayer!! - but it didn't knock us off our feet, either. I'm not complaining, just telling it as it is. I thought we were in for a hell of a night when they opened with Prayer, but the rest was pretty standard.
On the circle, they performed IBTFY, Love For Sale, and Saturday Night - and on Love For Sale, Tico growled out the last line so well that Jon insisted, "Hey, do that again!" So he did. And everyone cheered. It was awesome!
And Hot Legs during Bad Medicine was nice, but I would have looooved to hear Pretty Woman! It didn't matter though, because Jon was having waaay too much fun for me to complain. LOL. He was full of strut and swagger and dance, and as he sashayed for the audience, the attention whore soaked it all up and announced to the rest of the band that "they're responding to my advances - it makes my heart flutter." WELCOME TO MY WORLD, JON!

All in all, the show was great. I had fun, I was in good company, and the band made me smile, sing, and cry, which I consider a success. LOL. And it was great to spend time with Trish, whom I hardly ever get to see. :)
This was a spread in the Las Vegas (Showbiz Weekly) magazine - I have the magazine from each Jovi show I've been to in Vegas; they always have a spread, and the mag is free in the hotel! ;)
Oh, and we saw "creepy Bobby" (lmao, Trish's words, sorry!) the next morning on the strip as we sat in horrendous traffic trying to get home (insane weather plus westbound traffic made it a brutal, nerve-fraying 8-hour drive home...yikes), but we never saw anyone else. Maybe someday I will.
But for now, I'm resting, trying to get through the week, and then I leave for Vancouver on Friday - bound for my final stop on this incredible tour, with a 3rd row pit seat and a heart full of excitement and nerves. I hope it's everything I want it to be!! x
Las Vegas set list - March 19, 2011
Living On A Prayer
You Give Love A Bad Name
Born To Be My Baby
We Weren't Born To Follow
Blaze of Glory
It's My Life
The More Things Change
We Got It Going On
Bad Medicine/Hot Legs
Lay Your Hands On Me (Richie vox)
(You Want To) Make a Memory
Bed of Roses
I'll Be There For You
Love For Sale
Someday I'll Be Saturday Night
Who Says You Can't Go Home
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead/Start Me Up
Blood on Blood
Have a Nice Day
Keep the Faith
Dry County
Wanted Dead or Alive
I Love This Town
In These Arms
P.S. These are for Karen. :) Believe it or not, HE was more photogenic than Jon that night! (And the second one just made me laugh out loud when I got it.)
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