So...most of you aren't Backstage members (anymore), but the FC is launching "Year 22" and there's a new referral program for this year. Whomever refers the most paying members to Backstage With Jon Bon Jovi will win a pair of tickets to the final night of the 2011 tour, backstage access, and an INTERVIEW WITH JON!
Um, okay. I cannot even BEGIN to describe how very much that would mean to me. My heart is pounding and I'm shaking just thinking about it - it's a long, deeply-embedded dream for me, especially as a journalism student. It would be the most special, precious experience of my life (well, so far, lol.)
Obviously that's a huge incentive for every single other FC member trying to recruit members too, but I was hoping if I threw this out there first, maybe you could help me out.
I know it's a long shot.
But if you were thinking of rejoining, or if you have never joined and were thinking of doing so this year, can I kindly ask you to do so through me?
It would mean the WORLD to me - I'm even prepared to send you a thank-you gift Jovi-style (merchandise, anyone?)
Please consider it. My referral link is: http://www.bonjovi.com/join?referrer=1538563 (you MUST join through this link or I will not get credit. The banner at the top of my blog is linked with my referral code, too.)
Plus, you'll get these goodies if you purchase a silver or gold package (or there's an online only package, the cheapest version):

Thanks so much everyone. I would REALLY appreciate your help!
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