We know how much fans hate service fees on tickets so we got rid of them for the month of June! Buy tickets to see Bon Jovi any time this month and you will not be charged service fees. Go here for details http://bit.ly/NSF2010
Maybe I'm extra thick today, but...why? I mean, if your fans "hate" them, why have them in the first place? I have definitely been vocal in complaining about the inflated ticket prices and unbelievable fan club markups, but I know when to shut up because I have yet to have a bad concert experience with them (*knock on wood*). Even the $75 service fee I paid through the FC to get my pit seat at New Meadowlands (didn't realize that was in place until I saw the MUCH lowered prices on Ticketmaster three weeks later), though it pissed me off, I had a fantastic time and seat so I won't go bitching around the Jovi world about it. I paid it, I have no right to whine.
But that doesn't mean they should be in place. In my opinion, as someone who has been a paying Backstage fan club member since the days of Mrs. B, the markups and over-charges on tickets with the new FC management is pure robbery. And don't tell me that's just one of the changes that comes when you go corporate...my reply will be that they never should have gone corporate in the first place. But be that as it may, and I can't control what Jon's decisions are, it's still a very sore issue among MANY a devoted fan and fan club member.
So tell me, does this latest "special" offering no service fees for tickets bought in the month of June mean the Jovi powers-that-be are finally hearing our concerns? And trying to show that they respect them?
I think it's more likely that pigs will fly in the near future, but it could also just be a marketing move to encourage sales for the fall/winter tour dates. Although there aren't any upcoming sale dates that I'm aware of in June, so it could also just be an empty offer since everyone already has their tickets.
Leaves much to wonder about, doesn't it?
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