Oh my Lord gracious, I am just barely coming down the high that came from watching Bon Jovi LIVE from Seattle on the UStream (on Facebook and www.bonjovi.com)
Did y'all watch it?! If not, you missed out BIG time.
It was a FANTASTIC video - and I officially lose my membership card for losing the bet - I had great reception, clear image, beautiful sound the whole time! The best part is that the powers that be, either by accident or design, left the stream/webcam on for FIVE songs instead of the advertised three. We got Blood On Blood, We Weren't Born To Follow, You Give Love a Bad Name, Born To Be My Baby, and Roulette (!!) live, before the camera shut down.
The reaction was phenomenal, too -- the ending count of viewers was 85,172!! Just watching the Facebook stream!! It rose at a rate of like 5,000 viewers per minute.
All in all, a good solid 25 minutes of live Jovi was MUCH needed for this tired, stressed out, and over-worked college student. I cannot put into words how stoked I am for next weekend. This is my therapy, and I am in DIRE need of it. :)
Check in later on after the show for the full setlist and other details!
(Oh, and my friend posted that picture on FB after the feed ended, LOL)
Do you have Bon Jovi Seattle 2010 in Webcast file?