I had a very bittersweet and sad day today. It was the last day at work (for those who don't know, I work at an after-school program with my city's school district) and we had a big farewell BBQ for everyone - the kids who are moving on to middle school, the kids who are leaving for other schools/centers and not coming back, and us, the leaders, who are ALL going separate ways. Those girls have become some of my closest friends the last year - we're together every single day and share everything with each other: our trials and tribulations, joys and frustrations, everything. We get together outside of work, too, and have just become great friends. So saying goodbye was not something I have been looking forward to the last few weeks. And I'm not going to lie - I drove home crying.
However. During that lonely drive, after I'd hugged my closest friend goodbye and wished her good luck on her summer adventure/missions trip in South America, Jon's voice came over the speakers in my car. And for some reason, in the midst of my sadness, I started to feel better. Calmer. More at peace with the changes and moving on and goodbyes. And to any non-fan, this will be super corny: but I was reminded of why I truly love this band. Jon's voice was this comforting, soothing reminder of the band's constant presence in my life, the reassurance that they are still here and not going anywhere, and the gentle wake-up call that not everything can always stay the same...but some things always remain.
And when I came home and logged online, I remembered that the Songwriters' Hall of Fame induction was tonight. And I read the articles and looked at the pictures with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes - filled with pride for two of the men who have changed my life in more ways than they know. The writers of the songs that are embedded deep in my heart, the soundtracks of my life. They've been there for me through all my hard times, the good and the bad, the changes and the joys, the tears and the smiles, the growing up. I am so honored to call myself a fan -- and so proud of their recognition tonight.
So, congratulations Jon and Richie. You two deserve this through and through.
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