Thursday, February 26, 2009


So I was in class at noon today, working innocently on a journalism article, when suddenly my phone lit up and nearly did a jig at my computer station. I ignored it, figuring it was just a friend texting me to say she got out of class, and went back to work.

Then it lit up again and hopped excitedly across the top of the desk, and I grabbed it to shut it up. Another text message. Okay, people, leave me alone...

Third time's a charm, right?

Having turned the vibrate off, the phone sat there motionless, blinking anxiously in blue light and telling me I have yet another text message...and before I could throw the distracting thing in my bag, it lit up a fourth time with an unknown cell number with a Texas area code.

Now curious as to whether something bad happened, I discreetly opened the phone and read the first message while the phone shuddered with a new voicemail. "Becky pre sale on NOW!! Password is *****"

Um...presale?! For Bon Jovi?! IN VEGAS?! The AEG live presale that I just found out about this morning that was supposed to go on tomorrow...? What the heck?!

Then my phone went berserk. I swear to God, about ten text messages came in at once, causing my phone to freeze and nearly crash as they tumbled into my inbox, waiting to be read. The Texas number called again (which I realized was a friend of mine I chat with online), and as soon as the call finished another number from a CA friend of mine came in.

By now I'm freaking. What presale? And I'm in class! Well, being at a computer, I tabbed my article and opened my find three new emails from people telling me the presale had started and the password is *blank*.


So I saved my article and packed my things, then bolted out the door pretending that I'm finished with my work (I'll email my prof later!) just as my CA friend called back. I answered the phone and heard in a rush of excitement "GET YOUR ASS ONLINE THE FC PRESALE STARTED AND WE ALL GOT OUR TICKETS GO NOW!!"

I ran across campus to the parking lot, freaking out because I couldn't get a hold of the friend who was supposed to buy the tickets, brainstorming ways QUICKLY to get the tix, and wondering why the HELL the fan club decided to announce a presale five minutes before it started.

I told my friend I'd call her back and proceeded to call my mom, scaring her sh!tless when she answered the phone by yelling at her to get a computer QUICK and get the tickets. LOL poor Mom...she raced to the computer and got Ticketmaster online, and as I stood at the crosswalk waiting to cross the street and get to my car, I yelled directions through the phone at her while cars whizzed by and everyone at the light stared at me.

Several looooong minutes later, she had the tickets and I was shaking like a leaf, my phone going insane from another slew of text messages that I tried to reply to...I hung up with Mom and attempted to text everyone back while I fumbled with my keys at my car...and then my phone died from over-exertion.

That 10-minute drive home was the longest drive of my life, and I swear to God there was a cop around every corner making sure I didn't go fifty miles over the speed limit.

When I got home I flew into the house and scared my dog, revived my phone and called my friend to let her know what was happening, and sat down to three million emails, PMs on Backstage, and a board hopping with FC members trying to get their tickets. Sweet Lord.

I finally got a hold of my friend, and after witnessing her similar reaction to mine, which involved a bit of swearing and screaming, we settled everything and found out that almost all of our CA Jovi girls got tickets and everything is okay. LOL

It was pure INSANITY! Absolute, pure insanity. My heart hurt and I needed a pacemaker, for Heaven's sake...

But I got my tickets!!! And I am going to VEGAS BABY!

(Now, the FC fluckers should not be doing this to us poor women with high-strung-end-of-week-itis!)

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